Thursday, February 9, 2012


Newest Update 2012

Syamsu Madyan
[alias: Ahmad Shams Madyan]
Place and Date of Birth       
Malang, November 14th, 1981
ID/ Passport /NPWP
3507221411810004 / V 848634 / 25.675.593.5-542.000
Sex/Marital status       
165 cm/58 kg
Physical handicaps    
Hobbies and interests        
Traveling, Visiting Friends, Discussions, Teaching, Swimming
Language Skills
Active English, active Arabic, passive French, Native Indonesian
Countries Visited
Egypt (1999-2003), Saudi Arabia (2001; 2003), Thailand (2005), Malaysia (2005; 2010; 2011), Sri Lanka (2006) Singapore (2008; 2009; 2011), South Africa (2009), Tanzania-North Africa (2009), Uni Arab Emirates; UAE (2011). Uni Europe (Germany [2011], Czech Republic [2011]), Nairobi-Kenya- North Africa (2012)    
Hometown & Residence
Jl. Raya Ir. Mohammad Hatta no 21 Dadap Tulis Jun Rejo BATU Malang -Jawa Timur Indonesia 65234 (Phone: +62-341-531293)
Office, Postal address
1.      Academics:
Kantor ICRS-UGM Bld. Pascasarjana UGM 3th floor Jl. Teknika Utara Pogung Yogyakarta -Indonesia. (Phone/Fax: 62-274-544)  email:
2.      Activism:
Kantor INTERNA. Jl. Matraman Dalam 9.c Rt/Rw 8 Kelurahan Pegangsaan Menteng Jakarta Pusat

Mobile phone
+6287875941800 / +6285643281945
Social Media and Blog

Education and Affiliation
-     Affiliated Researcher at the University of Cape Town [UCT], Cape Town South Africa (2009-2010)
-     Asian Graduate Student Fellow at Asia Research Institute [ARI], National University of Singapore [NUS] (1st of May- 31st of July 2008)
-       International Ph.D Degree at the Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies/ICRS (UGM-UIN-UKDW) Yogyakarta (2007-expected 2012/earlier 2013)
-   Master Degree (M.A) at Center for Religious and Cross-Cultural Studies/CRCS Gadjah Mada University with GPA: 3,8 (Cumlaude) Yogyakarta, Indonesia (2004-2006)
-          B.A (Lc.) in Islamic Theology Major, Qur’anic Studies Minor, at Al-Azhar University Cairo- Egypt: (1999-2003)
-          Qura’nic Studies Institute “Pesantren Ilmu al-Quran (PIQ)” (1993-1999)
-          Al-Maarif, Junior-Senior High –Singosari Malang (1993-1999)  

Teaching, Asst.Teaching and Facilitation
-          Teaching at the faculty of Islamic Studies, University of Islam Malang East Java (October 2012 up to now)  
-          Teaching Assistance for Professor Dr. Farid Esack “Religious Thought and Action – Liberation Theology, Disease & Power” (Graduate Program at CRCS-UGM, May-June 2006)
-          Teaching Assistance for Dr. Zainal Abidin Bagir “Religion, Science and Technology” (Graduate Program at CRCS -UGM, April – May 2010)
-          Teaching Assistance for two semesters on “The History of Religion in Indonesia” part I (pre-Independence) , and Part II (post 1945) conducted by both Professor Dr. Bernard Adeney Risakotta and Dr. Sri Margana, (Doctoral Program at the  Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies, ICRS, 2010-2011)
-          Teaching English and Arabic SMP al-Maarif Rogonoto Mlangi Yogyakarta, 2007
-          Teaching Islam at SMP-SMA Budi Mulia Yogyakarta, 2009   
-          Teaching “Islam, Qur’anic Studies and Arabic” in Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) for two years (1996-1999) at the Institute for Qur’anic studies (PIQ) Singosari-Malang, East Java Indonesia.
-          A Facilitator of 10 days training program supported by Fulbright Interfaith Community Action Project (ICAP) on “Youth, AIDS and Sexuality” (Yogyakarta; January 2010)
-          A Facilitator on HIV&AIDS training workshop for Muslim Leaders [Ulama] in Lombok-Mataram-NTB sponsored by Burnet Institute, Australia (December, 2008 and March, 2009) and in Jakarta with collaborative initiation of MPAB [Muslim Peduli AIDS Bekasi] (February, 2010)
-          A Facilitator on AIDS awareness program for clerics (Muslim and Christian leaders) organized by ‘Channels of Hope project’, World Vision/Wahana Visi, Indonesia and CABSA (Christian African Bureau-South Africa), held in different provinces and cities across Indonesia: Jakarta, Badung, Surabaya, Malang, Papua etc. since 2009 up to now 

Research on progress
-          A member of a research team on “Medical Charities in Asia and Middle East” supported by Hong Kong Institute for the period of three years (2010, 2011 & 2012)
-          A member of a research on “Public debate on Islam and condom for AIDS prevention program” supported by “INTERNA (Indonesian Interfaith Network on AIDS) Jakarta
-          Dissertation research project titled “When Belief Meets Medicine: Observing the (re)Construction of Self amongst Muslims Living with HIV & AIDS in Indonesia” (ICRS; progressing)

-          Kondom dan Pencegahan HIV&AIDS: Pandangan Agama-Agama, 175 pages. An editor, INTERNA Pustaka, Jakarta (2011)
-          AIDS Theology; a Contestation of Islamic Responses to the Crisis of AIDS in Indonesia 102 pages, Lambert Academic Publishing [LAP] Germany, 2010) 
-          AIDS Dalam Islam; Krisis Moral atau Krisis Kemanusiaan? (AIDS in Islam; Moral Crisis or Humanity Crisis?) 150 pages (Mizan Press-Jakarta, February 2009)
-          Peta Pembelajaran Al-Quran; Usaha Memahami Al-Quran Dari Dasar Pemikiran (Mapping Qur’anic Studies; Understanding Al-Quran From the Basic) 250 pages Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta-2008
-          “Penelusuran Sejarah Al-Quran Versi Orientalis; Sebuah Abstraksi Metodologi”, co-authored with forum of Quranic Studies, FORDIAN (Forum Studi Al-Quran) Otentisitas Al-Quran; Review Sejarah dan Nalar Penafsiran (The authenticity of al-Qur’an; Historical Review and Interpretation) 288 pages (Fordian Press, Cairo, 2003)
-          “Doa Bersama Dalam Pluralitas Beragama”, co-authored with forum of Islamic and Cultural studies, KReSNA, Fenomena Islam Bangsa (the Phenomenon of Islam in Indonesia), 112 pages. (Putra Teladan Press, Malang, 2002)
-          An article, “AIDS und die Religion” in Sudostasien, published in Germany (2007)
-          An article, “Islamic Institution in Indonesia: Failure of Leadership in the Fight against AIDS” Nashir Bulletin published by AMAN (Asian Muslim Action Network) Bangkok-Thailand (2007)

Forthcoming publications (under review):

-          “The Dynamic of Islam in Indonesia and the Waves of Global Modernization” an anthology on History of religion in Indonesia (title under review) edited by Lawrence Yoder, will be published by University Press of Duta Wacana Christian University-Yogyakarta, (forthcoming)
-          “AIDS and Islam in Indonesia; a Scenario of Power and Resistance” an edited volume on Medical Charities in Asia and Middle East by Professor Raj Brown, will be published in UK (forthcoming)
-          “Condom Debate; Ethical dilemma of AIDS prevention amongst Muslim society”, supported by INTERNA (tentative-forthcoming)     

Award and Scholarship
-          Recipient of full scholarship for international Ph.D program at the Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies ICRS -Yogyakarta Indonesia from IIEF-Ford Foundation (2007-2011)
-          Recipient of scholarship for Graduate Student Fellow at the National University of Singapore granted by Asian Research Institute ARI-NUS (May-July 2008)
-          Recipient of full scholarship for graduate program at Center for Religious and Cross-Cultural Studies (CRCS) at Gadjah Mada University-Yogyakarta Indonesia (2004-2006)
-          Habibie Award from Mr.BJ.Habibie (Ex. President of Indonesia and the chairman of ICMI) for highly ranked students (Cairo: 2001)
-          Recipient of student award 2002 and 2003 (Penghargaan mahasiswa berprestasi) organized by The Union of Indonesian-Egyptian Students, PPMI (Persatuan Pelajar dan Mahasiswa Indonesia), as-Syatibhi Center and GAMAJATIM (East Java Student Union), and the Indonesian Embassy of Cairo
-          Recipient of Scholarship from al-Azhar University CAIRO by selection of Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs (DEPAG: 1999-2003).
-          The best contestant of Arabic quiz program at provincial level celebrating ‘PEKAN ARABY ’96’ organized by the faculty of linguistic and art FPBS (Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni) IKIP Malang, 1996.
-          The third champion of bi-lingual quiz program (Arabic-English) and the third champion of Juvenile Academic Writing in Arabic language at provincial level organized by State Islamic University STAIN-Malang, 1998.

Leadership, Working Experinces and Activities
-          Executive Director of INTERNA, Indonesian Interfaith Network on HIV&AIDS, Jakarta, (2011). Research Coordinator, Project planning and International Representative (2007-2010)
-          Project Officer at ISAI (Institut Studi Arus Informasi)- Indonesian Progressive Muslims Network: UKC Foundation, Jakarta (2011)
-          A coordinator of AGORA (Open Community for Social and Humanity Research, Yogyakarta 2010)
-          Consultant and Research division at LKI (Lembaga Kasih Indonesia), an NGO concerning youth, drug, narcotics and AIDS, Bekasi – West Java (2010)
-          A member of Young Indonesian Muslim Activists at ICIS (International Conference on Islamic Scholars)
-          A Member of LKK-NU (The Division of Prosperous Family of NU) on HIV and AIDS and Community Health Sub-Division (Yogyakarta, 2007-2008).
-          Coordinator of Research Department of Relief (Religious Issues Forum) at CRCS–UGM Yogyakarta (2005-2006).
-          A coordinator for Qur’anic Studies Forum, FORDIAN (Forum Studi al-Qur'an) Indonesian students of al-Azhar University Cairo 2002-2003.
-          Redactor of ISTIQOMAH bulletin (Indonesian Students Bulletin, Egypt 2001-2002.
-          Forum Coordinator of Islamic and Cultural studies, KReSNA (Kreasi Islam Nusantara) organized by Indonesian students in Cairo 2001-2002.

Academic participations, public dialogue, international seminars and involvements
-          A Participant of twodays workshop of Berlin Forum for Progressive Muslims under the theme “Islam and Politics” held by the Intercultural Dialogue - Frederich Ebert Stiftung: FES Berlin-Germany (20th- 22nd October 2011)
-          A speaker at “Belief in Dialogue; Religion and Science” held by the American University of Sharjah in collaboration with the British Council – Uni Arab Emirates (June 21st -23th  of June 2011)
-          A Speaker for Medical Charities in Asia and Middle East held by the Hong Kong Institute, University of Hong Kong, Penang Malaysia (November 29th- December 3rd 2010)
-          A Participant of ten days workshop and training on “Muslim-Christian Dialogue and Involvement on AIDS” held by CABSA [Christian African Bureau, South-Africa] & World Vision International, at Kilimanjaro-Tanzania, North Africa (June, 2009)    
-          A Speaker at the 3rd Singapore Graduate Forum on South-East Asia 2008, Singapore (July 2008)
-          A speaker for the 3rd International TIYL Conference on “Is Indonesian Islam Different? Islam in Indonesia in an international comparative perspective’ ” held by Leiden University Netherlands, in Bogor Indonesia (January, 2011)     
-          Participant of 5 Days International workshop on Asian Interfaith Network of AIDS [AINA] (Colombo-Sri Lanka 2-7 April 2006).
-          A Speaker in a talk show at Yogyakarta-Indonesian National Television (TVRI) and National Radio (RRI) on ‘HIV-AIDS and Religion’ (Yogyakarta, December 2006)
-          A Speaker at a Dialog Forum amongst Religious Leaders and AIDS activists held by PKBI (Pusat Keluarga Berencana Indonesia) and Interfaith Dialogue Institute (Institut Dian-Interfidei) by the topic ’Adolesecent and HIV-AIDS vulnerability; an Islamic Perspective’ (Yogyakarta, Oktober 2006)
-          Participant of 3 Days International workshop on “Religion and Globalization” held by Center for Religious and Cross-Cultural Studies (Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2006)
-          Participant of Ten Days Edu-Tourism and Research to Walailak University of South Thailand delegated by Gajah Mada University of Yogyakarta (Nakhon- Thailand, 16-25 September 2005)
-          Participant of Muslim Youth Scouting Program organized by HIF (Haramain Islamic Foundation) in Alexandria City (Cairo 1-14 July 2003)

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